Keep moving

by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote
— To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂 —

It doesn’t matter how hard it gets. I keep moving.

I take responsibility for where I am.



by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote
— To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂 —

I face the hard time with the power of hope.

I’m not talking about religion. I’m talking about the basic power of believe in something better.

When things are not going the way I want them to go? I don’t worry, I’m not alone. It’s not the end of the world, and it can get better. There are always ways to turn things around and make them work in my favor. Let’s work together to find a solution and make things better!

I stand up and I keep doing the hard work.

I expect good and it does come into my life.

Yes, sometimes, it’s not that good, but it’s ok. It can get better.

Drop mind

by Serge ‘Mage’ Cote
— To feel the power of this text, place yourself in the “I” 🙂 —

I can take it and make it better.

I never stay too long in the incorrect outcome.

I take actions and I do my best.

I keep finding a way.

There’s nothing for me in the past.

Life is unpredictable and can throw us some curveballs, but with the right mindset and actions, we can overcome anything that comes our way. I am ready to take charge and tackle whatever life throws at me!

— Sharing is caring! Please share my post! 🙂 —